Chronicles & Coffee LLC
a small business hotspot for writers, readers, artists, and book lovers.
Welcome to Chronicles & Coffee, a blog dedicated to supporting creatives! Scroll to find blog posts covering book reviews, writing content and advice from the community, and spotlight on amazing authors.
Chronicles & Coffee offers promotional services & constant content to the book community! Olivia Brooks is a freelance writer, book influencer, and has a growing resume in the book industry. Message for book review inquiries, podcast interviews, editing services, beta reading, and content writing!
Interested in affordable editing services? Scroll down to find Olivia's Editorial Package offers!

Want to be interviewed for the website?
Chronicles and Coffee has an author spotlight article option and offers book review blog posts! Interested in putting your name out their for readers to learn more about the writer behind the page?
Fill out this contact form with inquiries.
Rewriting the Reality of Gen Z Publishing With Teresa Buzzoni
Read in on Teresa Buzzoni's perspective towards books, reading, and publishing as a Gen Z!