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A New Year of College & New Goals

Writer: Olivia BrooksOlivia Brooks

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

In the midst of all of the book reviews I am posting for the rest of August (thank you to the authors that are trusting me to read and review your work, I am honored), I decided to post a lifestyle post. Still, there will be writing and reading topics discussed of course, but this is also an update for myself and my audience. Here are my plans as I go into my junior year of college and my goals for the rest of 2022.

As I go into the fall semester, I want to share the courses I am taking! Here's the quick run down of my 16 credit hour semester coming up...

  1. Fiction Technique

  2. Editing and Writing in Print and Online

  3. Intro to English Studies

  4. Intro to Public Relations

  5. Spanish ll

Pretty cool schedule, I am still adjusting to the fact that I get to take courses that have to do with my interests! The fiction technique course specifically i am most excited for. As I grow as a writer, I am taking these courses even more serious than before. This creative writing course's objective, besides readings and journal entries each week, is to produce a well drafted and critiqued short story! I am really going to take this course head on because what I produce in it I plan to use in my writing portfolio for future reference!

The other courses seem pretty good as well, that one just deserved the spotlight.

Alongside writing for college credit, I have plenty of writing plans for my personal benefit.

  1. Blog - I plan to continue doing book reviews and life updates on my blog, as well as participate in Blogtober and use this platform as a way to keep a log on my NaNoWriMo season!

  2. Writing Projects - I plan to finish the current first draft I am working on by November. Ideally, I want to use NaNoWriMo to take a break from my current project and use that whole month to go back and do developmental edits on my last year NaNo project!

  3. Reading - I am going to start annotating my books. I have never done so before, but I want to start sharing on my platforms reviews of the books I read for leisure too! And the best way I feel to do that is to annotate my books and start a reading journal to log my thoughts. I used to have one but stopped, but now am going to go full force into it again!

I had a very short term summer job, but I do plan to have a part time job in my collegetown. Juggling school, social media, and a job will cause havoc in my learning to adapt mind, but better to learn how to multitask big tasks in life now than never! It is important to remember that everyone works at different wave lengths and does different things to benefit them. Never compare yourself to someone else or their routine whether it be a morning or night routine, or even a writing routine. Comparing and self judgment are the biggest factors in me that lead to insecurity, so avoiding it is crucial! Keep doing what you love and just keep doing the most! Always try and always ask... a no is better than the unknown!

And remember that rejection is redirection and failure is just feedback!

Thanks for sticking around and watching me grow!

See you soon!

The Livi Chronicles


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Dec 18, 2022

Lots of impressive content on here. I see this as a conceptual template as to the direction I need to take as a writer myself. Naturally anything I do will be designed around my own gifts and interests. I feel like I'm privileged to be a member of this group

Olivia Brooks
Olivia Brooks
Dec 18, 2022
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so glad you’re here!

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