How I Grew a Five-Figure Following Twitter Platform
Hey everyone! Today I am so excited to be able to post such a topic! And that is, as you have already seen if you clicked on this post, how I grew my Twitter platform to 10,000+ followers!
Disclaimer, I am not about the following personally. I enjoy it for the fact of business and knowledge of growth, as well as the trust and bond I see myself creating through the media like I never believed possible.
I started up on Twitter in September of 2021. I picked a niche and went for it. That’s the first step, at least in my experience (a second disclaimer that all of this post is based on my experience and only mine!), is to pick a niche.
Mine, as you all may know, is the book community. I entered Twitter with not much intent other than to grow knowledge and connection in the book and writing community. And wow, have I grown! Internally definitely more than externally.
Everything you see on my page and beyond, including the blog, Instagram, and upcoming additional platforms, was never in the picture when I first began. Keep that in mind, it is a building block process, one step at a time.
Consistency is the most basic yet effective term I can use to explain my strategy. And let me tell you, it worked. A quick analytic for you: from September 2021 to August 2022 I went from 0-4500 followers. The growth from the ground is a hard and tedious task. But when I started my Fall semester of junior year in college, this mid-August, I decided to take the plunge.
I was consistent. I engaged with my following. I provided many book reviews and blog content. And here I am, four months later, December 6th to be exact which is just about four months on the dot, and I gained over double that following in a third of the time!
If you look at my Twitter, or any account for that matter, the top bar where the person’s name shows how many tweets they have conducted. Me, as of December 6th, almost 5,200. That’s about one tweet per two followers. Obviously, I did not dish out my tweets in that respect, but another way to look at it is about 10-11 tweets a day.
And if you think about this even further, since I gained more followers in four months than in a year, that is a lot of tweets in the back bend of 2022!
It is a lot of work, but the work is worth it if you are passionate about it!
Another big tip to give is that people enjoy diversity. People enjoy being shouted out and promoted just as you do. But do not let this overtake your name. For me, I let it. For a while, I was dishing out praise and doing anything to engage with people, even if that meant at the end of the day I was helping them and they did not even know my name.
As you get to understand your position on the media and the role each and every one of us is trying to play, that mindset will shift. It did for me, and in doing so, I started to create a domain for myself. Other platforms and an expanded resource of content that got more personable. I began to show what I read for leisure, my desk space, my own writing and journal process… little things that show me.
All while still doing what I set off to do in the first place: create a comfortable and communal space for authors, readers, and writers to join and be praised! Because we all deserve it no matter what stage you are at! Creatives are sufficient and amazing people!
Creating other platforms has created a larger aura of who I am and what I have to offer which is what I am aiming for. But another tip here is to not share all of your business. Even from this post, you can see a few analytics and a general guide to what I have done, but have I shared anything too personal? No!
Don’t do it! Social media will continue to be a place I choose to bloom and grow, but I will not let it overpower me.
I encourage everyone to push past the fear and vulnerability shock of the beginning. Just as opening a chunky book or a blank document to write, that first jolt or jump is the hardest. But then it is smooth sailing. Well, not smooth, the process is definitely rough like a hopeless romantic at times, but a groove will meet you, shake you by the hand, and say you got this!
Please do not hesitate to reach out and talk to me! I love to hear your stories and answer your questions!
Here are some of my platforms!
Twitter: livi2chronicles
Instagram: chroniclesandcoffee
YouTube: TheLiviChronicles
Website: Chronicles and Coffee
… Plus, stay tuned for more.
I hope to talk to you and meet you again on my platforms soon!
Thanks for being here!
Olivia B.