My 100th Blog Post & How I Got Here!
Here we are. The 100th blog post of Chronicles & Coffee.
How and why did I get here?
I started this blog over a year ago and cannot believe the pace and speed I have been able to convert and build it too! As I am still growing and will continue to every day, I am here today to just step aside from structured reviews and topics for a little chat.
Content creation in a specified niche is a grueling task to say the least. At least, that is, in the beginning. I am so passionate about books and writing and the reading community, that passion shoved me along the way in the lower ends. I am still nowhere near where some people may consider “successful” or “high up” in the social media world, but to me, this timeline is a success in itself.
To be consistent and disciplined for over a year takes a lot of courage. Believe me.
But 100 blog posts! I cannot believe I have typed so many. This is random and kind of bittersweet, but I created my entire platform on my first laptop and here I am now typing on my brand new one. It kind of feels like a level up reward coincidentally.
A lot of my blog posts are dedicated to book reviews as you may know. For instance, I may be halfway surprised if you have even read this far, for most of my “lifestyle” posts get viewed less.
Book reviews have connected me to the author and book community in so many ways. I genuinely do not know where my content would be if I never reached out to those first few authors asking if I could collaborate with them. I started out only reviewing Twitter authors and self and independent authors, and it has basically stayed that way.
Spreading the word of authors of all kinds was and will forever be my goal. Everyone has a voice and a hand for this craft if you go far enough to publish and promote your work. And I am so grateful through these 100 posts to have carried on my work to other platforms!
This includes my Instagram, YouTube, and podcast! Alongside all of these platforms, it really was a huge step for me to believe in my content and name so much that I created an LLC from it!
Chronicles & Coffee LLC, as you probably know from clicking on this site.
If you have been here for at least a month, you would know my original, unofficial name was The Livi Chronicles. Cute, more personalized, and it did the job for the time being. However, reaching certain numbers and growing relations has me realizing I want this to be more and a lot of you do too!
Thank you to all of the friends and people I have met through social media, collaborated and chatted with! You genuinely make my day!
I am a one woman show. I write all my posts, edit them, create my platforms, serve them, create my videos on YouTube and audio on the podcast. This is your sign to know that it is possible! Just believe in yourself if you have a passion and work towards it in silence.
Roots grow under the ground where no one can see.
I believe that my roots have just now sprouted, almost a year and a half after starting my Twitter.
So here is my 100th blog post and there are so many more to come! Thank you for joining me on my journey and I hope you will stick around until my 200th, 300th, 1000th, and on and on!!!
See you soon,
Olivia B.
Wow 100 blog posts in over a year is definitely an achievement as well as creating an LLC!! Congratulations, Olivia! :)
- Izzy
Congratulations on reaching 100 blog posts! That's an incredible achievement 👏